Chris Stevens Comes Face to Face With the Rare Sevengill Shark PADI AmbassaDiver Chris Stevens is lucky enough to come face to face with the rare Sevengill Shark while diving in South Africa.
9 Underwater Animals to See Before They Disappear Whether you’re just starting a scuba diving bucket list or refining an existing one, put these endangered animal encounters at the top of your list.
Your Diving Calendar for the Year Ahead Looking to plan your next dive trip? We’ve got you covered with our diving calendar which features some amazing diving destinations.
Die Südspitze Afrikas, ein Paradies für Grossfisch-Fans Das Tauchen rund um die Südspitze des afrikanischen Kontinentes ist nichts für schwache Nerven. Die Gewässer sind besonders fischreich und daher sind die gro- ßen...
My PADI Interview: Szilvia Gogh, Inspirational Renaissance Woman Szilvia Gogh is an extraordinary woman with a true zest for life, whose accomplishments are a testament to the opportunities a career in scuba can bring.
Devil Rays And Manta Rays: Why Are They At Risk? Why are some iconic ocean species - like devil rays and manta rays - at risk? Find out the reasons with this informative video created by Project AWARE.