Practically anyone who’s dived the US Florida Keys not only knows about the famous Christ of the Abyss (a.k.a. Christ of the Deep) in the Florida Keys Marine Sanctuary but has probably seen it. Placed at 7 meters/25 feet in 1965, literally millions of snorkelers, freedivers, and scuba divers have visited it. It is one of the Upper Keys’ most popular dive sites.

There are thousands of popular dive sites, but something about the Christ statue makes it stand out as especially memorable and unique — somehow, inexplicably, a bronze and concrete mass finds its way into divers’ hearts. Many say they feel a spiritual connection related to their faith in Jesus Christ, whereas others cite something more experiential, wonderous, and memorable thanks to its setting and what they do while visiting it.

Christ of the Abyss statue in the Florida Keys

It’s fairly well known that the statue was cast from the same mold used for another Christ of Abyss placed underwater off Portofino, Italy in 1954, and one placed at St. George’s, Grenada (not underwater) in 1961. Many divers also know that dive manufacturer Cressi had the statue made, but not so well known (and almost lost to history, but I’m trying to avoid spoilers here) is the amazing back story about how the statue got from Italy to the Keys — via Chicago — thanks primarily to the persistence and dedication of a single diver, Gabe Spataro. Check out The Legend of the Statue, a documentary by Diveheart that unfolds this story with period imagery, personal interviews, and intriguing detail. It’s a story you don’t want to miss.

As an organization dedicated to lifting up people with physical and/or mental challenges, Diveheart ties the healing power of diving into the statue’s story. Again avoiding spoilers, suffice it to say that were it not for Diveheart, Spataro would not have ever visited the statue he worked so tirelessly to get into place for the rest of us. That he humbly accomplished this effort without accolade might make some wonder if, perhaps, Christ of Abyss’ namesake had something to do with this story now unfolding for all of us to hear and appreciate. But I leave that to you to ponder.

In any case, be sure to watch the documentary. Please support Diveheart’s and your local PADI Resort or Dive Center’s mission to bring healing into people’s lives. You can help make a difference through the PADI Adaptive Diver programs — in yourself, in others as an Adaptive Support Diver — or both, because we all have challenges, and we all need healing.

And hopefully, it goes without saying, if you’re in the Florida Keys, be sure to book a PADI Dive Center or Resort to take you out to Christ of the Abyss.

Seek adventure. Save the ocean.

Dr. Drew Richardson
PADI President & CEO

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