If you joined us at the London Excel Outdoor Show then you may have entered our competition to win a PADI course. We caught up with the winner of the competition, Katie Gibbs, to find out what she thought of her PADI Open Water Diver course she took at Flippas-n-Fins Dive School in Dorset…

How did you win the course?
I won the course through a prize draw at the London Excel Outdoor Show. I entered the draw and gave my email address but really didn’t expect to hear anything back.
Did you want to scuba dive before, or are you completely new to the sport?
I hadn’t really considered scuba diving although I’ve always loved the idea. I was completely new to the sport when I won the course and started in the pool with Flippas n Fins scuba school.
How did you feel before the course?
I was very excited to start my course!!

What was a highlight of the course for you?
I loved finding out about all the equipment and breathing underwater for the first time was amazing. Then later, diving in open water and exploring different depths was really interesting.
Was there anything that surprised you about the course, or scuba diving in general?
The course was great, really interactive and the online learning platform was a great way of completing the theory side of the course. Fantastic resources.
Do you think you’ll be out scuba diving on your weekends now?
I’m looking forward to using my PADI certificate abroad and completing more courses in the UK such as the PADI Advanced Open Water Diver certification.