After working in the finance and legal tec business, PADI AmbassaDiver Isidora Dekalo-Baron, found a love of diving that transformed her life and is continuing to take her on wild adventures. We found out a little more about her diving story and conservation focus.
What was it that inspired you to start scuba diving?
I loved snorkeling in the Red Sea when I was a kid and I knew I was going to try diving one day. What I didn’t know was that I was going to fall head over heels for it and that it would turn my world around (if I had, I would have started much sooner. I got PADI certified only a few years ago).

Has learning to dive had an impact on your career and life journey so far?
Definitely! I quit the corporate and start-up world and started implementing my business skills in the diving industry – from large PADI IDC dive centers to small luxury boutique operations. Yielding to my entrepreneurial spirit, I have recently started a dive blog and together with my partner, who has traveled the world while teaching diving, we aim to help people pick their next scuba holiday destination.
Do you have any stand out memorable moments from your travels?
Every time I travel it’s an adventure. I feel I could write a novel about it!
My most memorable dive moment was one of the first times I was diving with strong current in the Maldives – a sunrise channel dive. As we were holding our masks and regs not to be swept away a massive tiger shark came out of the blue, checked us out and disappeared again. This was the best birthday surprise ever!

What are your top tips for eco-conscious travel?
- Book direct flights – most of the fuel is used during take off and landing. If you care about the planet then the extra money is well invested.
- Choose an eco accommodation – they use less water and electricity and less food goes to waste.
- Eat locally – don’t go to an exotic destination to consume imported products, which have also travelled half the globe.
- Protect everything you see – do not litter, preserve nature and be mindful with all the wildlife interactions you might have.
Follow PADI AmbassaDiver, Isidora on her travels through her Instagram and blog.