Live Unfiltered Together & Make the Underwater Connection Three families share what it means to Live Unfiltered together and how to build connections underwater through scuba diving.
Come and join PADI at Boot Düsseldorf 2023 Boot Düsseldorf is back and PADI are happy to take part. Join us for exciting activities, learn about new courses, programs and dive adventures.
From Beginner to Pro Do you know that you want to become a scuba diving professional? Go from Beginner to PADI Pro and live out your dreams!
AWARE Week 2024: Joining Forces to Close the Tap on Plastic Pollution Taking place 14 - 22 September, AWARE Week encourages the global dive community to take part in conservation activities.
Local Initiatives Make Positive Global Change %%excerpt%% PADI AWARE funds local ocean protection and restoration projects. Learn about some of the projects receiving funding which not only demonstrated a great goal but also innovation and creativity in tackling ocean threats.
The 6 Best Digital Nomad Hubs for Divers For remote workers & divers, there are destinations where the two can be combined. Our picks for the best digital nomad hubs for divers.