Scuba Diving Career: FBI Dive Team The FBI’s Underwater Search and Evidence Response Team (USERT) is a highly-trained group of Special Agents who investigate underwater crime scenes.
Scuba Diving Career: Maritime Archaeologist Maritime archaeologist is a scuba diving job that explores archaeological remains in or near the water. Marine archaeologists piece together information about humanity's past by...
PADI instructor – A new career and endless possibilities Where are you right now? Sitting in an office with no natural light and that annoying guy sitting next to you, or crammed in...
Scuba Diving Career: Limnologist We speak to Kelly Wucherpfennig, a PADI Scuba Instructor and limnologist, about her fascinating scuba diving career.
100 Reasons to Become a PADI Pro From inspiring a new generation of scuba divers to job opportunities around the world, here are 100 reasons to become a PADI Pro.
The 6 Best Dive Sites in Belize Check out our selection of the best dive sites in Belize, from the world-famous Great Blue Hole to coral-filled canyons frequented by sharks.