The Top Destinations to Dive and Snorkel With Sea Snakes Discover some of the best places to dive with sea snakes, along with what makes these reptiles different to their land-based relatives.
Green Fins Spotlight: Evolution Beach & Dive Resort Evolution Beach & Dive Resort has earned recognition from Green Fins for reducing the environmental impact of their diving operations.
The Top Destinations for Swimming & Diving with Dugongs If you want to swim or dive with dugongs, you’re in the right place. This is the complete guide to the top destinations to dive with dugongs.
The Real Superhero Animals of the Ocean These four marine animals play important roles in protecting their homes. Learn what makes an ocean animal a real Ocean Superhero.
8 Easy Ways You Can Help Save the Ocean There is too much plastic in the ocean. Full stop. Here's what you can do to help save the ocean right now.
Pristine Corals Discovered on Volcanic Barren Island The Infiniti Liveaboard has discovered beautiful, pristine corals at Barren Island during a recent scuba diving trip.