A Plastic Ocean is the upcoming adventure documentary by Australian news correspondent, filmmaker and ocean lover, Craig Leeson. He’s teamed up with World Freediving Champion and environmental activist, Tanya Streeter, to create a film which delves into the devastating consequences our disposable lifestyles have on the world’s oceans.
Shot in more than 20 locations over four years, Craig, Tanya and an international team of adventurers and researchers have worked to capture the extensive damage caused by the 8 million tons of plastic dumped into the world’s oceans annually.
They also explore the issues of microplastics, tiny particulates of plastic that come from a variety of sources including toothpaste, cosmetics and industrial processes as well as the breakdown of larger pieces of plastic debris. Due to their minute size, microplastics easily make their way into the food chain where they “attract toxins like a magnet”, thus poisoning the marine life and humans who ingest it.
Sure to be one of the most startling and inspiring films of the year, A Plastic Ocean is a must-see for all ocean lovers. For more on this film, visit aplasticocean.film and follow them on Facebook for their latest updates.
Want to get involved in cleaning up the ocean? Learn about how you can help Dive Against Debris and brush up on Project AWARE’s 10 Tips for Divers.