If you are considering getting your PADI Open Water Diver Certification abroad, this article is for you. Taking your PADI Course abroad can be a great way to experience a different culture, and truly create unforgettable memories on your travels!

Booking your PADI Course abroad – The Research

If you want to get your Open Water Diver Certification while on holiday, there are plenty of places to start researching. Of course, a quick Google search can get you a long way, but the PADI Dive Shop Locator will be your best bet. This tool will allow you to look for PADI Dive Centres all around the world, and make it easier for you to make your decision when choosing a Dive Centre abroad.

From there you can find out which specific courses are taught by each Dive Centre at your holiday destination. Most Dive Centres offer the PADI Open Water Diver Certification, and if you are unsure – simply send them an email and ask! In my experience, each dive shop I have ever reached out to has been super eager to help me book an experience tailored to my needs.

If you want to get your diving certification abroad but aren’t sure exactly where in the world, you can also check out the PADI Vacation Spotlight pages. This is where you will find information about going on a scuba diving vacation, but also about what to expect when scuba diving in specific countries. You’ll be able to prepare a little and know more about what to expect when you decide to learn how to scuba dive in a foreign country.

Learning to dive abroad – Any hesitations?

It’s natural to be nervous when you are starting on a big adventure such as learning to dive. This feeling of nervousness may be strengthened by the fact that you are getting embarking on this adventure in a country you aren’t familiar with.

What may help calm your nerves is to remember that you most likely would have been nervous even if you were learning to dive at home. I would also strongly advise you to reach out to the Dive Centre you have chosen and let them know! They will answer any question you may have, and do their utmost to make you feel as comfortable as possible.

Getting your PADI Open Water Diver Certification abroad is a sure-fire way to make your trip one you will never forget!

About the Author:

Lisa Stentvedt is a travel blogger and writer from Norway. Follow her adventures on her blog Fjords and Beaches and on Instagram.

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