If you supported the Movember Foundation last November by growing a moustache, then you should give yourself a pat on the back for helping to raise awareness of men’s health. You may well feel pretty proud of the impressive facial hair you’ve managed to craft – so proud, in fact, that you’ve decided to keep it.
The trouble is – as longer term beard or ‘tash champions will know – diving with facial hair can prove somewhat tricky when it comes to getting a good seal on your mask. Whether you have a handlebar or a horseshoe, our list of tips below will help you keep those leaks at bay:
#1 – Shave the area just under your nose.
This is good for big moustaches that have an upper lip big enough so that this act won’t compromise your style (we don’t want you to have a pencil stash if that’s not your thing). Otherwise, try out different trimming techniques such as shortening the moustache or thinning out the hair.

#2 – Use mask seal.
This silicone grease comes in a tube like lip balm. Apply it to the part of the mask’s skirt that touches your moustache. It may take a few tries to learn how to get just the right amount, but once you do, you’ll hopefully enjoy fewer leaks. An important note here: Do not use petroleum-based products like Vaseline. The chemicals in these products will break down the silicone skirt and will shorten the life of your mask.
#3 – Use a full-face mask.
A full-face mask delivers positive pressure (the degree to which depends on the specific model) which helps seal the mask to your face and prevent leaks. If your large moustache comes with an equally-sized wallet, you can even add communication gear and talk underwater.
#4 – Stash your moustache when you’re diving.
Many men shave before going on a dive trip to eliminate the problem altogether. Depending on how long it’s taken you to grow your masterpiece, you might not be that worried about getting rid for a week or two, and re-growing it again once you’re back home. Who knows, this might give you the chance to experiment with a new style each time!
#5 – Get a high quality mask.
We’ve heard from many bearded men that diving with a moustache isn’t a big deal if you’ve got the right mask to start with. A high-quality, low profile mask with soft silicon is a favorite among mo’ divers. Check out this comparison post about buying a mask.
If you find yourself on a dive trip before trying out these ideas, you may well discover the unpleasantness of a leaking mask. Use the opportunity to practice the mask clearing skills you learned in your PADI Open Water Diver course – then put these tips into practice before your next dive trip to make it even more enjoyable!
Do you know a moustached diver? Share this post to help them enjoy happy, hairy dives!