In a groundbreaking collaboration with the Colombian government, PADI staff and local Members have showcased the scuba diving industry’s unwavering commitment to fostering safe and sustainable diving practices on a grand scale.
The journey began with a series of impactful projects with the Colombian government, culminating in a venture that captured the nation’s attention: a comprehensive rescue drill broadcasted on national television. As a direct result of the popularity of this drill, an official Diving Guide for Colombia was created. This guide details the underwater natural wonders available to scuba divers within the country’s borders, from Malpelo to Santa Marta.
This initiative represents a unique synergy between the renowned diving expertise of PADI Members and the Colombian government’s ambition to highlight the country’s underwater marvels. The production of the Diving Guide not only showed the potential of collaborative efforts between governments and the private sector but has also enhanced Colombia‘s appeal as a premier diving destination. Colombia is already a top global destination for travelers in 2024.
The Diving Guide’s official recognition by the Colombian government as a document of national significance was a landmark achievement. This endorsement emphasized the integral contribution of scuba diving to Colombia’s marine tourism.
Available for free through the National Library of Colombia, the guide (complete with the PADI logo) now serves as a cornerstone resource at national tourism events and in public libraries nationwide.
This remarkable achievement in Colombia exemplifies the profound outcomes possible when private entities and governments unite with a shared vision to promote the protection and exploration of the natural environment. This pioneering approach in Colombia serves as an inspiring model for future collaborations, proving that together, we can achieve extraordinary results for the betterment of our planet and its precious underwater worlds.