Insect Bite Prevention Tips and How to Make Bug Bites Stop Itching The best ways to prevent mosquitoes from biting you and how to make bug bites stop itching when bug bite cream doesn't work.
Questions About the Rescue Diver Course? Here’s Everything You Need to Know The PADI Rescue Diver course is one of the most fun and challenging dive courses you can take to be a prepared diver and dive buddy.
How to Prepare for your Open Water Diver Course You've been thinking about learning to dive for a while, and you're finally ready! So, how do you prepare for your PADI Open Water Diver course?
Vertigo and Vomiting While Diving There may come a time when you’ll experience coughing, nosebleeds, vertigo or vomiting while diving. Read on for tips on how to handle it.
Is Scuba Diving Safe? Scuba diving is low risk compared to many other sports and outdoor activities. In this blog, we answer the question: is scuba diving safe?
Minimize Risks from Jet Lag Jet lag may affect one’s ability to dive safely; therefore, divers need to know how to minimize its effects.