What Not to Do When You Discover a Shipwreck Often the sites we visit are not just exciting wrecks, but also the scene of a past human tragedy or one of archaeological significance.
Northern Europe – A Technical Wreck Diver’s Paradise Northern European divers have been wreck enthusiasts for decades. TecRec divers will really get the most out of a trip to dive the wrecks.
Exploring East Timor’s Newest Shipwreck, the NRDTL Kamanasa East Timor is Southeast Asia's newest country and offers a variety of coral and fish-filled dives as well as a new, purpose-sunk wreck.
Scuba Diving in the Netherlands – Exploring Underwater Wonders Diving in the Netherlands is a special experience with its remarkable dive sites, historic shipwrecks and vibrant marine life.
Diving Sunken Villages in Thailand It’s good to get away once in a while, go diving somewhere else for a bit of fun, to see something different and keep island fever at bay.
The Best Places to Scuba Dive in 2023 With so much on offer, it can be hard to decide on your next scuba destination. Here are ideas for some of the best places to dive in 2023.