Success and achievement are driving forces for many of us. We have a human desire to improve, better ourselves, and reach our goals. Taking the PADI Advanced Freediver and Master Freediver courses allows you to do all of these things – and more!
PADI Advanced Freediver Course
The PADI Advanced Freediver Course is designed to take entry-level freedivers to the next level. As with most sports, many of us want to keep improving our skills and further enhance our performance. This is what the PADI Advanced Freediver course allows you to do. Not only will you further your knowledge base through knowledge development sessions (or PADI eLearning), but you’ll also be expected to perform skills with greater competence and learn how to achieve new apnea goals in a safe manner.
Although the PADI Advanced Freediver Course offers more challenging goals than the PADI Freediver Course, it’s designed to allow you to progress steadily towards improved results without overextending yourself. Persistence, practice, and patience are all key! It’s a challenge that’s well worth it. Not only will you become a more confident freediver, but as a certified Advanced Freediver, you’ll also enjoy the benefit of being able to dive deeper when on holiday or freediving with a club.

Confined Water Sessions
During your confined water sessions, you’ll further develop your stretching and relaxation techniques and refine your static and dynamic apnea.
You’ll be set the following minimum goals to achieve:
– Static apnea of 2 minutes 30 seconds (2 minutes for freedivers younger than 18)
– Dynamic apnea of 50 meters/165 feet (40 meters/130 feet for freedivers younger than 18)

Open Water Sessions
Your open water sessions allow you to enjoy using your new skills in the ocean! You’ll practice deeper free immersion and constant weight freedives together with your instructor.
You’ll also practice the additional buddy procedures and rescue techniques you covered during your knowledge development.
You’ll be set the goal of accomplishing a constant weight freedive of 20 meters/65 feet (15 meters/50 feet for freedivers younger than 18).

PADI Master Freediver Course
If you are already an advanced freediver who wants to take your freediving skills to near elite freediving levels, then the PADI Master Freediver course is for you!
During the Master Freediver Course, advanced-level freedivers learn how to fine-tune their lifestyles through fitness, wellness, and health awareness in order to improve their performance. The Master Freediver is the blackbelt of PADI freediving certifications, and you’ll maximize your knowledge (through knowledge development sessions or PADI eLearning) and develop your practical skills and abilities to your highest potential.

Confined Water Sessions
During the Confined water sessions, you’ll work toward improving both your static and dynamic apnea, including a no-fins dynamic apnea.
You’ll be set the following minimum goals to achieve in confined water:
– Static apnea of 3 minutes 30 seconds
– Dynamic apnea of 70 meters/230 feet.
Open Water Sessions
During your open water sessions on the PADI Master Freediver course, you’ll have the opportunity to practice mouth fill equalization and perform warm-up and workup dives for free immersion and constant weight freediving. Your Instructor will set you the goal of achieving a constant weight freedive of 32 meters/105 feet. You will also continue to review and enhance your buddy-safeying skills.

Prerequisites for Advanced and Master Freediver Courses
To enroll in a PADI Advanced Freediver, you need to be a certified Freediver and be at least 15 years old. For Master Freediver, you need to be at least 18 years old and a certified Advanced Freediver. You must also have Emergency First Response Primary and Secondary Care (CPR and First Aid) training within the past 24 months for the Master Freediver course. Your instructor may also simultaneously offer the PADI Emergency Oxygen Provider specialty diver course.
Getting Started
Start today by contacting your chosen Freediver Center!
Read more about how freediving will change your life in other ways in this edition of the PADI Blog.