The Best Shark Gifts for Fans of Our Toothy Friends If you know someone who loves sharks as much as we do, why not surprise them with shark gifts this holiday season?
Getting Involved in Ocean Conservation & PADI’s Blueprint for Ocean Action PADI's Blueprint for Ocean Action empowers divers and non-divers to create ocean change at both the local and global level.
6 Conservation Specialty Courses that Equip You to Help Save the Ocean More than one million divers have taken a PADI AWARE conservation course, find out why! Read quotes from passionate scuba divers.
What is Dive Against Debris? Don’t let your dives go to waste - Dive Against Debris! Grab your mesh bag, scuba gear and data card to make #EveryDiveaSurveyDive.
Events Happening Around the World for AWARE Week 2021 PADI Dive Centers around the world are hosting conservation-focused events for AWARE Week 2021.
Make Your Voice Heard for Endangered North Atlantic Mako Sharks with PADI AWARE With enough pressure and your support, we can hopefully ensure there will still be makos in the Atlantic in the future.