How can the zen of freediving positively affect our health and well being? The answer may be blue health, a trend that’s growing worldwide with more and more people finding the soothing effects of being in and around water, beneficial to mind and body. 

Of all the water sports, freediving offers something rather special. Total immersion with our blue planet and the opportunity to experience the peace and sanctuary of water, without the burden of equipment. 

Freediving is a low-impact activity that anyone, no matter their age, shape or size can enjoy. It’s not necessary to have diving experience (or even a large lung capacity for that matter) to get the most from holding your breath and submerging yourself in the underwater world. 

For people with stressful lives, or simply those seeking more zen moments, freediving may help to reconnect, rebalance and revive the spirit. Here’s why.


When shown marine or watery environments, studies show that people respond to the calming effects of the colour blue and that water-related scenes are the best for our wellbeing. By spending time in blue spaces, necessary for freediving, you’ll find its peaceful disposition rubs off you and your mood will be much enhanced. 


Freediving teaches you how to control your breathing giving you the tools for self-soothing on dry land, as well as in the water. Using the techniques of mindfulness, freediving helps us to slow down, stay present and tune in to any discontent inside to better understand ourselves and our innermost needs. And, by restoring the mind-body connection you’re better able to cope with everyday stress and times of pressure. 

Zen of freediving - connectivity


Thalassotherapy, or saltwater treatment, has long been used in history by the Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians among others, to soothe nerves and rejuvenate the spirit. Today, Spas use sea-related therapies for relaxation and to replenish the skin and heal injuries. By freediving in the ocean regularly, you’ll benefit from the best of saltwater treatments, without the hefty price tag to go with it. 


If you’ve ever stared out to sea and marvelled at its magnitude or found the vision of a pod of whales awe-inspiring. Then you’ll understand how the ocean has a humbling effect on our minds. Through the power of water, we recognise our ability to be strong when we need to and gentle at other times. It reminds us that we’re capable of greatness and that however rough things get, calmer seas are always just a wave away. 

Find a freediver center in your local area, and learn about PADI Freediver courses here

Author Bio

S.J’s journey into freediving began in Utila, Honduras in 2017. Since then she’s been freediving in Canada, Dahab, Tenerife and the U.K and practices freediving for all dynamic and depth disciplines. Follow her freediving adventures on Instagram and for freediving, or water-related copywriting and marketing visit her website The Content Marketing Club. 

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