While the skills portion of becoming a PADI Mermaid is important, it is the lifestyle and mentality that gives PADI Mermaids the power to be the voice for the ocean. Here are the top phrases to know to make you fluent in “mermaid”, as recommended by Mermaid Elle–the most popular mermaid on TikTok and a PADI Mermaid Instructor in Florida. Happy World Mermaid Day!

(n) a greeting to say to fellow mermaids or the creatures of the sea
(adv) a formal way to declare mermaid status with authority
(adj) astonishment and wonder for the magic of our blue planet
(adj) extraordinarily amazing responsibility and role that mermaids play in protecting and exploring the ocean
(v) a significant gathering of mermaids around the world uniting for good
For Shore:
(phrase) with the utmost certainty that being a mermaid is the best
Sea-riosuly / dolphin-ately:
(adv) the deep and profound responsibility mermaids feel to save the ocean
(n) the global network of mermaids who all communicate the same way underwater
Tail-flipping excited:
(phrase) the phenomenon where one’s mermaid tail moves with vigor when in contact with the water
(n) a system of tracking impact on our blue planet
(adj) the tremendous amount of influence Mermaids possess to inspire others