The buddy system is one of the first things we learn about as divers – and it’s something we practice on every dive. Never dive alone (unless you are specifically trained to do so.) But if you’re flying solo or your friends and family don’t dive, what’s the best way to find a dive buddy to join you on your adventures?

1. Ask Your Friends

It may sound really simple – and it is – but you might just be surprised to find that someone in your friendship group is a keen diver, too. If not, perhaps they’re interested in learning and have just been waiting for the right time to get into it. You never know, your future dive buddy may have been right in front of you this whole time.

Dive buddy - The Benefits of Joining and PADI Club

2. Join a Local Dive Club

Your local scuba diving club is a great place to meet not just one, but a whole bunch of potential dive buddies. Dive clubs are full of people just like you – passionate about the ocean and looking to explore!

Joining a dive club has a few additional perks, groups often organize regular dives as well as other social activities, and they will often have great relationships with local PADI dive centers. Some dive clubs will even have a focus on particular PADI Specialities, such as Wreck Diving or Cavern Diving, so you’re sure to find a club you’ll really fit into.

3. Go on a Dive Trip with Your Local PADI Dive Center

It’s highly likely that your local PADI Dive center will offer dive trips you can join. These trips range in length and number of dives; some will just be one day, others a weekend, and others longer still. Going on one of these trips allows you to explore new dive sites and meet new like-minded people, one of whom might just become your new dive buddy.

how to find a dive buddy

4. Join Facebook Groups

Did you know that there are groups on Facebook to help you interact with other divers? Ask questions, share experiences, and post photos in the Dive Travel, Divers Around the World, or Learn to Dive group (if you’re thinking about taking the Open Water Diver Course). You can also use these pages to help find a dive buddy when traveling! Remember to always use appropriate caution when meeting someone on the internet for the first time.

5. Find a Dive Buddy in Dive Forums

Scuba diving forums are an excellent way to meet people online, find buddies, and get involved in group trips. Forums are also a great source of information about destinations, diving tips, scuba gear, and much more! Take a look at The Dive Forum, or another great option to try is ScubaBoard.

great reef census volunteers head out on boat
Image courtesy of the Great Reef Census

6. Volunteer

Volunteering is another great way to meet new people. If you aren’t sure where to start, try looking online for charities and NGO’s in your area. Get in touch and ask how to get involved. Not only might you find a dive buddy, but you’ll be making a positive impact, too. Check if there are any upcoming conservation activities in your area here.

Get Started!

Are you ready to take action to find a dive buddy? Get started by checking out local dive centers in your area today!

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